Caring for Your Furry Friends
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Flying and breeding true performance based Birmingham rollers around New Zealand
Kit Box flying .Breeding of performance based birds and sharing the hobby with new comers
Kit Flying in New Zealand
Flying Birmingham rollers is pretty new to New Zealand .Yet is growing into a big hobby all around our great little county
Housing and breeding true performance rollers
Knowing how to house and breed good stock will play a huge part in keeping good performance in the blood lines
Yes it might come as a surprise to know their is a world cup for rollers .and that many countries currently fly in the world cup .Accept for New Zealand but we working on this
Birmingham roller world cup flying and rules

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand

Birmingham roller Pigeons New Zealand